
Admission for Reception 2025
For children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 you can apply for a primary school place from 4 November 2024. Closing date for applications is 15 January 2025.

Arrangements for pupils with disabilities

Admission criteria for children with disabilities will follow the admissions policy agreed by the school's governing body.

All pupils within Moss Lane School are treated equally. Expectations of achievement and effort are high and each child is asked to do their best at all times, achieving together.

The school is on one ground level.  We would ensure that any child with disabilities had full access to our curriculum, making arrangements to move classrooms if necessary. Full disabled access is provided to the main area of the school via a ramp in addition to disabled toilet facilities.

Moss Lane  School is an inclusive and supportive school enabling all pupils to have equal access to learning.

If you have any questions about provision for children with additional needs at Moss Lane School, please contact our school SENCO at

Moss Lane School  arrangements for children with disabilities follows the Surrey admissions arrangements, see link below.

T. 01483 417214 E.