Moss Lane School is an inclusive school where every child is valued; we aim to address children's needs and support their development in the most appropriate way and celebrate effort as much as achievement. We aim for all our children to feel safe and happy and aim for their personal highest, including those children with additional needs.

Our SENCo and Inclusion Lead is Miss Forbes-Wood and she is more than happy to meet with you to discuss your child. However, we believe at Moss Lane that all of our staff are educators of SEND and your child’s class teacher will see them daily so, if you have a worry, please do speak to them first.

Please see below our SEND Policy and SEND Information Report for information about our SEND pathways, arrangements processes and support you can expect your child to receive. This also details guidance about EHCP’s. Please also see Surrey’s ‘Ordinarily Available Provision’. This is what we would provide as standard within a classroom and you not be ‘out of the ordinary’

Surrey Local Offer

The Surrey Local Offer webpage is designed to give information around the education of children with Special Educational Needs. The website is for children and young people with additional needs, their families and the practitioners who help them. On it you will find helpful information and the details of support services in your area. We recommend speaking to your child’s class teacher first before contacting Miss Forbes-Wood, however reading this may also help answer some of your questions.

The National Autistic Society

As a school, we work closely with the National Autistic Society, who come in and speak to parents and build up a network with a family who have neurodiversity within their family unit. They can also work 1:1 with children and families too. You do not need a diagnosis to receive support from the Society.

Surrey ‘Helping Families Early’.

This is a partnership which provides responsive and effective support to families in Surrey. It seeks to empower children and their families to overcome difficulties and become increasingly resilient, so they can manage future life challenges independently. Early help is support that is provided as soon as needs emerge. It can be in the critical years of a child's life (including pre-birth and pregnancy) and in later childhood and adolescence.

What do families say about the early help assessment?

"Don't be afraid to ask for help"

"It can help children of all ages"

"I felt listened to and understood"

"It makes people aware that you need some extra help"

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