School Uniform


School Uniform

White polo shirt

Red school sweatshirt / cardigan 

Grey trousers / shorts /  pinafore dress / skirt

Black jogging bottoms (**year R only**)

Red small checked gingham dress / short suits in Summer

Grey or white socks / grey or red tights in Winter

Black shoes

Optional sandals for summer (not open toed)


PE Uniform

Plain red t-shirt or polo shirt

Black shorts

Black tracksuit bottoms may be worn during the colder months

Red jumper may be worn during the colder months

Plimsolls / trainers



Children are not to wear necklaces or bracelets in school. Earrings need to be removed on the day the children have PE. 


Please ensure that all clothing is named! 

School uniform with the school logo on can be purchased from Brigade.

Pre Loved Uniform

Pre-loved uniform is great! There are boxes of pre loved uniform on the playground near The Den. Please help yourself. They are grouped by age / size. A small donation to the PTA would be gratefully received but is by no means compulsory.

If you have any uniform to donate there is also a box on the playground for these and they are gratefully received.


T. 01483 417214 E.