PTA - Who we are

All Moss Lane parents, guardians and staff are members of Moss Lane’s PTA. We aim to foster a friendly school community and raise money to help support the school.

PTA Committee 

We share the responsibilities of running the PTA at Moss Lane. Please get in touch if you would like to help out or have any ideas or talents to share:         

Chair  Elizabeth H
Vice Chair  Kat W
Secretary Scott W
Treasurer Ali
Teacher Rep Miss Fox
Committee members are elected at our Annual General Meeting.
Class Reps 

Each class has one or two PTA class representative(s) who help with coordinating and encouraging involvement of parents at PTA and school events.


Our class reps are: 


Bumble Bees  Kate Hoskins & Rita Finch
Honey Bees  Anna Humphris & Diggy Hicks-Little
Squirrels  Emily Richards & Rachel Emery
Foxes  Roxanne Clark, Sian Phillips & Cay Reese
Hedgehogs  Laura Turner & Natalie Brown
Otters  Lorna Brennan & Kat Worsfold
T. 01483 417214 E.