
I am delighted to welcome you to Moss Lane School! 


As Governors, we are very proud to be part of the school community and work closely with Mrs Abbott and the staff at Moss Lane to ensure our children thrive and adhere to our core values: Be Ready, Be Safe, Be Respectful. 


Do look at our Governor profiles to learn more about our Governing body. Our range of different skill sets allows to support and challenge the leadership team, with children’s wellbeing, safeguarding and education being central to what we do. 


Governors, staff, parents and caregivers work together to make Moss Lane the very special place it is, where children thrive. 


I hope you find the information you need from the website, and please get in touch via the School office if there is anything you would like to discuss. 


Kyra Mumford


T. 01483 417214 E. info@moss-lane.surrey.sch.uk